May 2012: Go Fly A Kite!
Have you ever tried to fly a kite?
You need proper conditions for good kite flying and without them, you can't even get off the ground. Does God set conditions on our forward progress with Him? What's keeping your kite from reaching greater heights? Maybe it's time we stop telling others to "Go fly a kite!" Together we took a look at what impedes our progress in flying higher with God: unforgiveness, our imagination and our emotions. We learned from the Word of the need to 'take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ' and to give God our emotions for cleansing, restoration and balance. We shared in a time of prayer for the work of the Holy Spirit to teach and lead us through this process. With God's help, we will reach great heights in our walk with Him. To listen to this message, click here. |