The Logo: The Rest of the Story
Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass.
1 Thessalonians 5:24
Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass.
1 Thessalonians 5:24
Although their travels began in 2005, God had begun a work long before. After a few trips to Africa, it was evident that God was up to something and it was decided they needed a ‘name’ or a ‘tag’ of sorts to label/identify the work. Their gifts and abilities were varied: Jon excels in the gifts of helps and his projects were with water, construction, repair, etc – all with the use of his hands. Donna, on the other hand, works in teaching, ministering and bringing the Word of God – through the compassion of her heart. Together, they were ‘a ministry of hands and heart.’ In 2007, after some brainstorming with their daughter, there was a concept to incorporate the pieces: hands from different races, linked by a single heart. Simply stated: TerpstrasInAfrica ~ A Ministry of Hands and Heart, and so the logo was established. While in Nigeria in 2008, Donna was moved by the Spirit of God to go to a particular piece of riverbank. She went prepared to pray and hear from God. Once there, she felt led to ask God to bless the land and to forgive whatever sins had been committed there. (Ezekiel 22:30) She then felt strongly to ask forgiveness for those who owned the land. Unknown to her at that time, the very land she stood upon had been the original slave ports of Calabar, Nigeria - and it was the Ruler of the Land who owned the riverbank she stood praying upon. In 2009, God orchestrated their steps to actually meet the descendants of this Ruler of the Land who have become very dear friends and co-laborers* in many projects in Nigeria to this day. Although the Ruler of the Land had been active in the slave trade, it was that very same Ruler that sent word to both Scotland and England to bring ‘the God of the white man’ back to his people. It was through that invitation that the first missionaries landed upon the shores of that region of the continent. The Word of God had come through the invitation of the very landowners where Donna had stood and prayed on the riverbank. |
In 2012, while visiting with Granny, the oldest living descendent of the Ruler of the Land, Jon noticed a ring on her finger. As he gently took her hand and asked about it, she shared a very interesting story.** It seems the gold ring on her finger belonged to her mother and was over 100 years old. Granny had been wearing it in memory and honor of her mother. Jon then asked of its design and Granny shared that it was a heart being held by two hands … Over 100 years earlier, a design was created to be later placed into the hearts and minds of unsuspecting followers of the call. This design would join two families, two races, and two continents to serve one purpose: that everyone will know of this God we serve, for what He has begun, He certainly will accomplish. *for more info on the work with Granny, click here. ** Listen in on a part of Jon's conversation with Granny. They sat together under her tree in the compound where she lives with the abandoned
children she cares for. Although, they've spent many hours chatting in the past, this is the first time she's spoken of her ring. Hear Granny's own words by clicking the player below. |